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Adam & Eve - The hidden secret.

Ever wondered what was this story all about?

The forbidden tree, the fruit, the snake, heaven and earth? Yeah, me too…

This post won’t go into detail yet; It’ll will briefly touch on the secret buried in its scenes.

This story describes the cause that created the illusion of separation, the misconception of polarity.

What created the fight between negative and positive, masculine and feminine… for us to think that these are Two distinct and opposing things.

What does this mean?

These Two energies, whatever you want to call them, were living in harmony, in consciousness, unity, as a whole in what is so called “Heaven”. Until applying a (certain type of) behavior caused a wide imbalance, which led to the creation of the Ego, dividing between the Two energies and causing them to repel from each other.

A certain type of behavior is: a composition of a set of actions (a formula/ a chemical compound/ a spell), that would lead to the imbalance that transports us into earth – where Ego can exist.

Why is this important to know?

It would provide us with the awareness, that the war in this world, since the beginning of time, ultimately, is not the war between nations, races, ethnicities, religions nor it is the one between the sexes. It’s the war between these Two energies, these Two polarities.

Hence, if we were to ever attempt making peace, each of us has the responsibility to balance these energies inside of us, by implying the sets of actions that would construe a behavior that allows these energies together.

Doing so would tear down all misconceptions and false attributions, leading us to the root and cause of the situation, avoiding all trivial distractions.

Would get heaven on earth, create an environment that would not sustain the existence of ego, and thus there wouldn’t be the need to separate between any living forms what so ever.

Anything else would be dealing with the symptoms.



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