You ever felt like you were actually the Parasite? living in a body that is not yours, in a mind that is not yours, in a life that was not yours?
She had said, welcome back my baby, welcome home.
Only it didn't feel like I came back, it rather felt like I was pulled out of a tainted body.
That was the moment when I realized that I was made to believe that I was that parasite. when in fact. I was whatever that was inside that caterpillar.
A caterpillar of love, that everybody just feared. A fear that made their Journey darker.
They were too afraid of breaking from their shells and didn't want me breaking from it. fearing they would be left behind if anybody did.
“ Home, was what was outside that shell and not back in. Home is the unknown. Home is the whole world. Home is the universe. Everywhere.”
This shell is all my memories in ashes. Jar after Jar, date with their expiry date.
great memories they are, they had broken me out of this shell.
introduced me to the wild, to the world and everything else and gave me the chance to spread my wings.
Is it beneficial to think or feel without emotions?
Clarity is what we seek. That is before we get stuck in our thoughts trying to analyze everything or drown in emotions.
It would be amazing if we were to try and notice the things we had sought.
I would want to observe the answers I had obtained when I was in that caterpillar. It was then when it most fascinated me, when I acknowledged how the journey I had been through, correlated between my purpose and path.
The things I had experienced through out the light and the darkness brought in the pieces of the puzzle together. It did connect the dots.
everyone kept telling me to separate between certain events and that they have nothing to do with each other.
Nonetheless, my gut always tells me otherwise. It keeps telling me that one thing lead to the other, no matter how irrelevant they might seem.
The beauty is that you could only acknowledge how they lead to each other, once you get there. The butterfly effect.
but once you do, you can't but trust that path.