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A call to prayer

Me, you, us, them, they, all of us and everything, at this moment are bigger.

Allahu akbar => God is bigger.

  • God through (me, you, us, them) at this current moment (all that there is), is bigger. (Henceforward: ”God”).

  • We are limitless, the dimensions are bigger. Higher consciousness, continuous expansion at all times.

Ash-Hadu Anna La Elah Ella Allah => I witness that there is no god but god.

  • I observe that there is no entity of a thing to worship, there is only God (at this moment, through us and with us all)

  • The current awareness that the present is all that we have and all that there is.

  • Past and future are irrelevant as to the catalyst illusion of space and time.

Ash-Hadu Anna Muhammadan Rasul Allah => I witness that Muhammad is the messenger of god.

  • I observe that Muhammad (the present progressive of Hamd, - which translates to “gratefulness” - describes an infinite and continuous state of gratitude and appraising), is the messenger (dual relationship of sending and receiving and vice versa from both ends - “for a father to be a father he needs a son and for a son to be a son he needs a father” - the channel to access God.

  • So observe that the phenomena of continuous gratitude is the access key to this moment through us and with us all.

Hay Ala Alsalah => (n.) Life (v.) Live on prayer.

  • Let us all live through praying/ communicating/ meditating, to acknowledge the un-manifested.

Hay Ala Alfalah => Live life on creation

- Let us all create.



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