To manifest our destiny that aligns with everything and everyone right here and now, we ought to separate thoughts from who we are at being, and in order to do that we are to deviate away from grudges and hatred.

Surit El - Kawthar - The divine feminine
Enna a’atynak el- Kawthar - we have given you the Kawthar. Kawthar is an endless river in heaven that contains pure manifestations. Kawthar’s root is Kathr - many of a thing that multiplied. The adjective of it means abundance (present in great quantities More than quantity).
Fa sally - ela rabeka wa enhar - so pray to your rab, and slaughter (cut the head from the body through the neck).
Enna shane’aka huwa al abtar - your grudge is the one that is amputated.
This chapter tells you what you need to do to receive and accomplish the pure manifestations of your higher inner self which aligns with the collective.
“We have given you” is an assurance that the possibility to manifest is programmed in this world, this universe, this existence. And there are steps to be done to activate this code.
“pray to your rab” (predecessor and successors), communicate with them by disconnecting the monkey mind from the body (the being), which is what is meant by the action of slaughter
Your grudge is the feeling you get whenever you are faced with experiences that cause you pain, that are due to programming of thoughts, stigmas, guilt and shame or traumas, that cause judgements. This verse is identifying what enforces the illusion of separation.
The Kawthar, is a feminine energy that throughout history and spirituality is referred to as the lady of the light which took form as different characters, in different religious contexts such as virgin Marry, fatima (the prohpet’s daughter), Shekhinah.
Refer back to the lady of the light post for the spiritual context outside the scope of religions