The word Israel in Hebrew means "striving with God." (also known in Islam as jihad for the path of god). The concept of striving for the sake of God first appeared (as lately recorded) in Hinduism and in the Bhagavad Gita; It refers to when a person, instead of worshipping one of the planets—each representing a specific deity, like the god of wealth, fame, beauty, fertility, or instead of worshipping the sun or the moon, which represent masculine or feminine power—enters a state of Brahma to reach the center and worship the one singular God, transcending materiality and forms. In this way, the person obtains all the planets, similar to the story of Joseph when eleven stars, the sun, and the moon bowed to him.
Brahman or Abraham in Hebrew is "Ab-Rahm."
The term "Ab" here is like "El Ab Tibos" (a Hebrew term meaning "proto-type"). Therefore, "Ab" means "Proto-Brahm" or "Original Brahma." Today, the word Israel in modern spirituality is akin to those who are undergoing an awakening. As in the verse of the Throne (Ayat al-Kursi), "Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission?" and "they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He wills." Hence, everyone who penetrates the matrix is the chosen people of God and has the promised land, the land of Canaan, which in precise Hebrew means the land of Muslims.( the direction translation of the word Muslim in Arabic to Hebrew is Canaan).
The land in Hebrew ("Adama") comes from Adam.
It represents the physical state after emerging from the state of panic and survival (fight or flight). It is the state after trusting and reaching tranquility and peace when one surrenders and believes in the hereafter (the other life, where everything is gathered, transcending biological, physical, and human logic). Thus, religions in their languages and forms are not complementary but carry the same message, aiming to unite people during times of polytheism and division in religion, as we see today. This was the case with the Pharaohs, the Romans, and in India.
Mohammed as the “seal/ring” of the prophets - two nouns either (ring or seal)
The ring also symbolized the king's seal, the signature that was engraved on the ring. It serves as an allegory “ thus we have struck allegories for you - surat Abraham:45”, to guide humans to embody the universal prophetic message. When we wear this ring or seal this message onto our existence, we can be successors of this message on earth.
The word "Hamad" means "Hudeh" in Hebrew. Muhammad means "yehudeh - Jew."
Connecting these riddles or clues together, we can see a complete connection from Muhammad to the Pharaohs (Akhenaten) and beyond to Krishna and Gilgamesh (Sumer) over 7,000 years ago.
In summary, the concept of people from a divine perspective is not like people from a human perspective. It is not biological or ethnic but energetic.